Sunday, October 01, 2006

Starring Bob Timberlake – North Carolina Realist Artist

Bob Timberlake & Jerry Bledsoe In Conversation - the artist and author swap stories, recollections, and tall tales
Dr. Elliot Engel Literary humorist – discusses The Sir Walter Raleigh Nobody Knows
Kaye Gibbons Author of The Life All Around Me, Divining Women, A Virtuous Woman, and Ellen Foster, among others
Lynn Rumley Executive Director, Textile Heritage Center at Cooleemee - The World of NC Cotton Mill Folk
William S. Caudill Bag Piper and Director of Scottish Heritage Center at St. Andrews College
The Raleigh Ringers One of America's Premiere Handbell Ensembles
Nan Graham Public Radio Commentator and Author of In a Magnolia Minute, Secrets of a Late Bloomer, and Turn South at the Next Magnolia
The Catalinas Carolina Beach Music Hall of Fame Members
Two nights accommodations (double occupancy)
Daily Southern-style breakfast
Friday night concert with The Raleigh Ringers
Ice cream social
Saturday night dinner and performance by The Catalinas
Admission to all 6 seminar
North Carolina Marketplace
Total cost $650 per couple
Reservations can be made by calling the Grove Park Inn at (800) 438-5800.For information about The Best of Our State, call Amy Wood at (800) 948-1409 or email (

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